First Charge Bridging Loans
Apply For First Charge Loans With An LTV Of Up To 70%
How Do First Charge Bridging Loans Work?
A first charge bridging loan is secured against a property, giving the lender legal rights over it if the borrower defaults.
It’s a fast way to access capital, especially if you are looking to invest in a new property or raise funds quickly.
These loans normally last between a few weeks and 15 months, and are designed to help ‘bridge’ a financial gap in a property purchase.
The best part? They’re quicker to set up than traditional mortgages and have an LTV of up to 70%, so you can borrow what you need quickly.
How Much Can I Borrow With A First Charge Loan?
At Blue Square Capital, we approve first charge loans up to £2,000,000 with an LTV of up to 70%.
We work quickly, aiming to get the capital in your account within 2 weeks.
So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch to find out more.
Bridging Loan Calculator
*Based on an interest rate of 0.95% per month.